Spotlight on Students!

Meet Mackenzee Morris. She is the first student to finish the Early Childhood Education Program at Mountain Institute CTED. She is a 17-year-old home school student with A LOT of heart and compassion! We began offering the program 2 years ago and Mackenzee is the first to cross the line. She says “The program opened my eyes and mind to an incredible amount of information I wasn’t aware would be provided. With how in-depth children’s minds are and how they work and function.” Stating it also made her creative side bloom! Her advice to others who are thinking of taking the program is: “You got to stay locked in. Remember why you’re in the class. Stick to the goal. It’s worth it.” She wanted to expand her knowledge and build skills that will help her work with children - a career she is interested in pursuing in the future - even though she knew the program would be a challenge. Congratulations! You did it Mackenzee! This young, ambitious lady is going to do great things. Moments like this are why we do what we do!